
New Vaccination Protocols


Recent Advances in Immunology

Because of dogs like “Katy”…. Katy developed Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia ( a disease where the body rejects its own blood) after her annual vaccinations. This syndrome has been shown to be associated with annual vaccinations.After 6 weeks of care the total bill was over $3000. Katy was lucky to survive. Less than 50% of dogs with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia survive.

Because of cats like ‘Maria’… Maria developed an injection site  fibrosarcoma form her annual vaccinations. This is a terminal type of cancer. Even with surgery, chemotherapy & radiation therapy, the average survival time for cats with vaccination induced fibrosarcomas is less than 3 years. Because  adjuvants in vaccines have been incriminated we have avoided adjuvanted vaccines where-ever possible for over 12 years. In order to do everything in our power to prevent fibrosarcomas, Dr Rogers and his staff do not used any adjuvanted vaccines, injectable Program, Droncit, or Depo-Medrol.

Summary of New Vaccination Protocols

  • Booster vaccines” or annual re-administration of modified live virus vaccines like distemper and parvo virus do not provide added protection. In previously vaccinated adult animals the antibodies from previous vaccinations block the new vaccine. Antibody levels are not increased, memory cells are not increased. (23 a)
  • The duration of immunity for modified live virus vaccines like K9 Distemper and Parvovirus have been proven to be 7 years by challenge and 15 and 7 years respectively by serology. Memory cells persist for life.(23a,23b)
  • Titers of antibody levels do not accurately predict immunity or lack of immunity.
  • There is no Scientific Data to support manufacturers label directions to re-administer MLV vaccines annually.
  • Vaccines are not harmless. In addition to IMHA and Injection Site Fibrosarcomas mentioned  above, adverse events and reactions will be discussed with each individual vaccine. For information on hypothyriodism HOD and chronic renal failure, see the section on adverse reactions.
  • Modified live vaccines for diseases like Parvovirus and Distemper provide lifetime immunity when administered to adult ( >6 mo) dogs and cats.(23)
  • There is no justification for vaccination of dogs for corona virus.(23)
  • There is little justification for annual vaccination of adult cats for Feline Leukemia. Cats over one year of age are immune to FeLV whether they are vaccinated or not. This is age related immunity.
  • Vaccines should not be marketed in areas of the country where the diseases are very rare.  Leptospirosis and Lyme disease are not prevalent in Texas.
  • The risk for side effects outweigh the possible benefits for diseases like Feline Chlamydia, Canine Leptospirosis & Lyme Disease.
  • The USDA, APHIS, Center for Veterinary Biologics needs to revise its standards for licensing  animal vaccines.
  • References are provided. Some articles are available in their entirety in the library.
  • Please sign our Medical Ethics Petition to the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examines and the Attorney General ‘s Office.

We need your help!

  • Pet lovers and pets need an advocate for the pets on the Texas State Board. We are sponsoring several candidates.
  • We are also sponsoring new legislation to protect pets, promote Veterinary ethics, and promote better Continuing Education for Veterinarians
  • Volunteers are needed! Donations are welcome!
  • Do you want your  local Department of Public Health to change its requirements for Rabies vaccinations to every three years? We can help.