Dear Board Members, I assert that the present practice of marketing of vaccinations by Veterinarians for companion animals without informed consent and where there is no benefit to the pet constitutes fraud by misrepresentation, fraud by silence, theft by deception, and undue influence. I allege this is a common practice on the part of over
What We Know and Don’t Know Ronald D. Schultz, Professor and Chair Department of Pathobiological Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison It has been common practice since the development of canine vaccines in the late 1950’s to administer them annually. The recommendation to vaccinate annually was based on the assumption that immunity would
Current Recommendations For Cats Feline injection site Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminal cancer related to inflammation caused by rabies and leukemia vaccines.(12) This cancer is thought to affect 1 in 20,000 cats vaccinated. Mean disease free interval time or survival time with surgical removal is about 3 months. Mean survival time with surgical removal plus radiation treatment